Make Your Own Emergency Dental Kit

Be Prepared With This Kit And Take Care Of Your Mouth

Dental emergencies happen more often than you might think, and they are not always easy to respond to. You might have a first aid kit in your home, but do you have an emergency dental kit set aside as well? We didn't think so. While you can buy pre-made dental emergency kits, you can just as easily put one together on your own. Here are some tips to help you make your own emergency dental kit.

What You Need For An Emergency Dental Kit

Listed below are some of the key items you should have in your kit:

  • Use Floss As Part Of Your Emergency Dental Kit
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • A Bottle Of Clean Water (Ideally Distilled Or Purified)
  • Pain Medication
  • Gauze
  • Toothache Drops
  • Dental Wax (For Braces And Broken Teeth)
  • Temporary Dental Cement (For Crowns And Fillings)
  • Dental Floss

You could add a number of other items to your kit based on your dental circumstances. For instance, if you wear dentures, you may want to add denture repair material. If you have an extra retainer, you might consider keeping it in your emergency kit. Put together a kit that reflects your needs the most.

How To Contain Your Emergency Dental Kit

You can use just about any container you want for a dental emergency kit. It could be a sealable plastic container or an existing first aid kit. If you put it in its own box, consider labeling it so you know what it is when you need it. You could put EDK in big letters on the outside with a picture of a big tooth. You may also want to make sure that your container is in a bright color that can be easy to see in your cabinets. Anything red or neon should be just fine.

Where To Put Your Emergency Dental Kit

The best place to put your emergency dental kit is right next to your first aid kit. That way you can use bandages and other items from the first aid kit as needed. Go for the cabinet in the bathroom that is easiest to access in your home. This will most likely be in a hallway, not a bedroom. If you have a large house or a house with multiple floors, you may need to make more than one kit. Prepare for emergencies now, and they will not be as tough to tackle in the future.